My journey to being a better me…

Confession:  I was happy being a Couch Potato.

There.  I said it.  And it’s the truth.  Six years ago, my best friend, Linda and I were pushing “maximum density” for lack of a better description.  And we were HAPPY that way.  Well kinda.   We also decided that we were happy eating whatever we wanted.  AND…we decided we were fine with not exercising.  HA!  Fact of the matter is that we were hot messes.  Our clothes were ill-fitting.  Our health was poor at best.  Our well being was in jeopardy.  Really.

And then on New Year’s Eve, we did the unthinkable.  We made resolutions. In fact, we judiciously decided that we would “be better” if we simply lost 10 pounds. We were going to really lose those 10 pounds and we promised each other we would just walk a couple days a week.  And we did.  Starting on January 9th, 2009.  We became workout partners along with being best friends.  What a great combination.  Everyone should have a bestest workout partner.

Well…a couple miles a couple days a week started to feel GOOD!!!  And in a few weeks, we were logging 3 to 4 miles on each walk and the time it took to do those walks got less and less.  And on it went like that.  Miles increased; time decreased.  By July of that year, we were logging nearly 60 miles a week in power walks!  And those 10 pounds?  They turned into 50+ pounds…just like that!

Inspiring, isn’t it?!  It was hard work, let me tell you.  We complained and moaned on every walk.  It was too long.  It was too hot.  We were too tired.  We dreamed of Taco Bell and Cheese Fries and fountain drinks…and we talked about them for miles and miles and miles.  And once in a while~we indulged in those very foods we craved on every walk.  But mostly, we were good.

How good?  Well…so good that  we agreed to change how we ate and we were going to cook healthier meals.  Heck, I even got Linda to get into her own kitchen and cook. Not just any old food.  GOOD FOOD. HEALTHY FOOD.  We both started cooking foods that we loved, only healthier versions of things.  Me?  I am happiest in my kitchen; I could live there…developing and cooking foods that I could enjoy eating every day.  Not like the old days when I could plow through a whole bag of peanut M & M’s in one sitting…or go through the McD’s drive through “just because”…not anymore.  Not me.

My life changed.  For the better.  And this is just the start of the story.  Join me; follow along as I share the ways I changed my life.  I’ll be sharing recipes, fitness endeavors, strategies for staying fit, how to grow your own great foods, and loads of other things that anyone can be successful doing too!!

Join me in making your days count…
