“Don’t count the days, make the days count…”

So, I’ve been thinking about doing this whole website thing for a long time now…but admittedly- I’ve been a bit intimidated by it all.  I had a blog for a bit where I rambled on about my favorite recipes and I just let it fall to the wayside.  But then…in my 51st year of life, I became a Triathlete.  Yes. You read it correctly.  “In my 51st year…”

So, yeah.  Got me to thinking, if I can be a Triathlete…I can certainly figure out this website thingy.  Right?  I mean, I can swim, bike and run all on the SAME day for heaven’s sake.  Surely this cannot be any more difficult.  Well, maybe…

And then this thing happened.  I was honored to be chosen to be a Mermaid…and now you’re just thinking I’m crazy.  I got it. And why wouldn’t you?  But here’s the thing: being a Mermaid is so INSPIRING!!  You gotta check it out:  www.livelifemakewaves.com  TMCbadge

Talk about exciting!!  I have never been chosen to be part of anything ever…until now.  And let me tell you, I am P R O U D to be included in this wonderful organization of athletes who make it their mission to inspire, encourage, and promote well being every day!!

And now, it’s my mission too…so come along…join me in making your days count!


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